How to answer Essay 3 step by step

 STEP BY STEP: How to select a Topic & Create your main issue and ideas.
Step one: Look Up Global Issues: (research global issues) Google: "global" issues and problems (this will help you find topic)

Step Two Select Topic:
Example Topic: Food Dumping [Aid] Maintains Poverty
Step Three: Find out about Topic
* Which asks the Question: What is food dumping
Answer: Dumping food on to poorer nations (i.e. free, subsidized, or cheap food, below market prices) undercuts local farmers, who cannot compete and are driven out of jobs and into poverty, further slanting the market share of the larger producers such as those from the US and Europe. (Copied and pasted from research)
* Remember most main points are going to be at the front or beginning of article.
Step 4: Create your own definition or understanding about topic

Definition (your understanding in your own words)
Food dumping: is the idea or philosophy of sending food to under developed nations rather then develop food production in those under developed nations. So in sense we are dumping food to these countries rather then developing these countries.  By dumping food we are keeping these countries weaker and subjecting them to our wills as a more powerful nation. Hence the term we are dumping food on them.

Step 5: Create Issue question from your definition (above)

Issue: Main focus question to be answered. 
How has food dumping kept poorer nations subjected to the wills or power of more developed nations?  How in the future can we promote more food development rather then just food distribution?

Step 6: Create Ideas to support issue
Idea: (Supporting questions I am trying to answer in my essay)

1. What is food dumping and how does it effect my world and beyond?

2. Why do some nations prefer to give countries food, rather then teach them how to produce it themselves?

3. Why are we a world that has grown so much the last 100 years in technology still have over 70% of the planet starving and unable to live sufficiently without aid or support in food development?

Note: You might develop more ideas and even change your issue question while doing further research.
Also note Food Dumping is an example of a topic, you are not required to choose food dumping: We will soon discuss the process for writing the essay: