Essay Number Three (World Issues & Critical Thinking)

 Essay Three
Developing Global Awareness & Critical Thinking Skills 
Understanding national or local issues can go a long way towards having better global awareness of issues around the world.  Sometimes issues we deal with at home are the same issues other people in other locations around the world have to deal with as well.  We often do not think of problems outside our own world, we have yet to grow into having a global perspective when it comes to the world in which we all live.  We therefore need to press ourselves into deeper study and understanding of the world to which we are still foreign too.

I want you to explore an issue in North America that is not just a local, state or national issue but also might already or will be a growing global issue.  Your job is to research, explore, and then critically tell me how this event or issue can or has impacted your life or soon might.


Topic: The war on Terror

Issue: How does the war on terror effect both we living here as Americans but also people in other parts of the World?

Idea: Explaining how we find soldiers, who are the types of Americans who enter the military and why?

How does the war affect the families and communities of those who serve?

How does the war impact the locals who live in the regions where the war on terror is being fought? 

Who is the Enemy and why do they fight?

Topics can be found on Google by looking at World or National Issues we Face.  Topics can also be discussed with me – you need to have topic approved.

You will have to choose a topic
YOU will then have the topic approved
You will then state Turn in the following before your paper:

Topic (what will be your Topic) Due Oct 4th

Issue (Developing the Critical Thinking Question you are going to explore.)

Idea (what questions are you going to answer in your paper) (Due Oct 4th)

You will then write a paper explaining the above-mentioned topic, issue and ideas.

The purpose of this essay is as follows:

1. Developing a global perspective
2. Following specific directions & meeting guidelines and deadlines
3. Developing your own Critical Thinking Questions
4. Answering in an educated fashion the questions you posed to your audience

Due October 11th
Good Luck (you'll need it)